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Viking brooch Br-80


This brooch is based on a Viking Age find from Birka. See the original here:


Round brooches were one of the most common types of third brooches during this time, and larger ones like this were used to fasten together shawls or cloaks. There were various types of jewelry that served as third brooches, and they varied in appearance depending on where they were used. Round brooches were common throughout the Nordic region. Uniform brooches and triple-flap brooches were almost nonexistent on Gotland, while back-button brooches and box brooches were almost exclusively found there.

Round brooches were often symmetrical with four identical segments, often with a cross-like ornament in the center and four faces of some kind of creatures. Some round brooches may possibly depict the four rivers of paradise in the center, surrounded by deer-like animals. See for example:

Similar brooches are also found in Norway. See: and

Made of bronze.

Dimensions 42 × 42 mm