This large and highly detailed trefoil brooch is based on a find from Mosnes in Rogaland, Norway. The original was made of silver and appears to have been gilded.
Trefoil brooches were worn by women and used as clasps for shawls or cloaks.
These brooches are symmetrically shaped with three lobes and were mostly made of bronze, often gilded. They have been found from Iceland and England in the west to Russia in the east. Many finds come from Denmark and its surroundings, such as Hedeby and Uppåkra, as well as several spectacular finds from Norway. In central and northern Sweden, they seem to be rare except on Björkö where several trefoil brooches have been found in graves. There are almost no finds from Gotland. Animal ornamentation is common in the decoration, but some brooches also feature distinct plant motifs. Most trefoil brooches from southern Scandinavia are dated to the 9th century, with only a few dated to the 10th century, but those from Björkö are usually dated to the period 850-950 AD.
Made of bronze.